where is Adi Himani Chamunda ?


where is Adi Himani Chamunda ?

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Here you go

Its located in Kangra,Himachal Pradesh at a height of 3185 meters.

How to read Adi himani Chamunda from Delhi ?

  1. Take a bus from ISBT Kashmere gate to Dharamshala ISBT -12 hrs volvo cost – rs 1400
  2. Then from Dharamshala catch a bus/taxi to village Jia (20 kms – 1 hr)
  3. Trek starts from Jia
  4. Trek is 13 kms one side with moderate difficulty.
  5. It takes two days to complete the treks

For more information on trekking, you can reach me at 8750807666 its nishulk seva.

If you need the best trekking guide information feel free to reach me.

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